'I Was Wrong To Say Sell,' Says Michael Burry As He Congratulates Dip Buyers

There is a famous investor known for sending out dire Twitter predictions on a daily basis who predicted the 2008 housing crash.

I have to admit that Michael Burry made a mistake.

Scion Asset Management founder Harry Sutherland told traders ahead of the Federal Reserve meeting on the first of February to "sell", according to Trade Algo. In a Twitter response, he congratulates dip buyers for pushing stocks higher than he expected, while telling his followers he was wrong about his advice.

In his letter, he referred to those who buy stocks during a downturn as "BTFD generation", referring to those who buy them at the bottom of the market.

Christian Bale portrayed Burry in the big short movie in which he predicted the 2008 housing crash and he gained a cult following on social media because of his ominous predictions of looming risks. Burry has been predicting risk for over ten years now. The US economy is already in a recession, according to him, and he predicted yet another spike in inflation in January.

Wednesday marked the official start of a bull market for the Nasdaq 100 Index, with the Index closing more than 20% higher from its low on December 28. There has been a 1.9% gain in the S&P 500 Index so far this week, which marks the best week in two months for the index.

There was no comment from Burry on this matter.