NFL’s ‘Nonpartisan’ Voter Registration Effort Partners Only with Left-Wing Organizations


The NFL claims to have engaged in a “nonpartisan” get-out-the-vote effort for the 2024 election, but a look at its list of partners reveals that it has only teamed up with organizations that promote left-wing candidates and causes.

On its NFL Votes webpage, the league explains that the effort, launched in 2020, is a “league-wide, nonpartisan initiative that supports and encourages civic engagement among NFL players, and legends, club and league personnel, and fans.”

The campaign, co-sponsored with the left-wing NFL Players Association, “focuses on three key components of the electoral process: voter education, voter registration, and voter activation,” the league adds.

But, as The Federalist notes , the NFL’s GOTV partners include some of the most left-wing activist organizations in operation.

It sounds all well and good until one scrolls down to the partners’ section. There, fans will find that the league is working with I Am a Voter, Rock the Vote, Rise to Vote, Vet the Vote, and Votolatino. All of these groups, though they claim to be “nonpartisan,” have a history of pushing left-wing candidates and causes almost exclusively, not to mention being manned, chaired, and founded by leftists.

The oldest of the groups is Rock the Vote , which started in 1990 and was a big supporter of Barack Obama and his causes — especially Obamacare. Its leadership is filled to the brim with Obama operatives, Democrat donors, and left-wingers.

Then there is Voto Latino Action Fund. This group was launched in 2013 and is closely connected to Left-wing “squad” member and Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. Also, Obama administration Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro is listed as a senior adviser.

I Am A Voter is another far-left group, this one filled with Hollywood leftists including extremist actress Debra Messing, who along with fashion industry notable and leftist Mandana Dayani, founded the group. I Am A Voter has never supported any moderate or conservative Republican candidate.

Another group the NFL has partnered with for its “nonpartisan” effort is Rise to Vote , an organization that has made millions by posing as the go-to voter registration organization for much of America’s professional sports sector.

The group’s board includes far left-wing NBA commissioner Adam Silver, “women’s empowerment” activist Gabrielle Raymond McGee, LeBron James business partner Maverick Carter, Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Black Lives Matter pusher and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, and a host of other left-wingers.

None of these organizations has conservative or Republican members on its boards, and it has not supported Republican or conservative causes or candidates. Yet, the NFL still calls this effort and its partners “nonpartisan.”

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