Trump Winning on Economy, Safety, Jobs


Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley told Breitbart News Daily that former President Donald Trump is winning in the polls because he is beating Vice President Kamala Harris on issues that voters care most about: the economy, safety, and jobs.

Whatley spoke to Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater ahead of Tuesday night’s debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The RNC chairman noted that the debate gives ABC the opportunity to host a serious debate between Trump and Harris.

“ABC has the opportunity to tonight to play it straight. They have the opportunity tonight to step up and be a serious news organization, I have to give CNN credit, because they did exactly that during the last debate with Joe Biden. And they played it straight,” he said on Breitbart News Daily .

He added, “If not, it’s going to be very, very apparent they’re trying to tip the scales.”

A Marist/NPR/PBS News poll released on Tuesday found that Trump and Harris are currently neck and neck across the nation.

Breitbart News’s Nick Gilbertson wrote :

Trump has gained three points of support since the Marist/NPR/PBS News August 1-4 poll, when he landed at 45 percent with registered voters in a field with third-party options. That poll showed him three points back from Harris, who drew 48 percent. And while she has climbed one percent following the Democratic National Convention, her edge has slipped two points since August.

The previous survey also showed that independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. garnered five percent of support. Since then, he has suspended his campaign and is supporting Trump; his endorsement’s influence seems apparent in the September poll.

A Quinnipiac survey found that Trump leads Harris in Georgia, which is outside thesurv ey’s four-point margin of error.

Whatley remarked, “The American people have made it very clear their concerns that they’re going to vote on are the economy, jobs, safety, and security, and Donald Trump is winning in the polls on every single one of those issues.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 to 9:00 A.M. Eastern.

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3 .